What to do in Rangiroa

4 activities available

Rangiroa: The Must-Do Activities

Rangiroa: What to do when you get there?

Discover the activities to do in Rangiroa! Known worldwide by divers for its impressive diving spots, Rangiroa atoll is also a heavenly place at the end of the world.

Part of the Tuamotu archipelago, north-east of Tahiti, Rangiroa is the second largest atoll in the world in terms of the surface area of its lagoon, with a maximum depth of 35 meters. It is part of the Palliser Islands grouping with its neighbours Tikehau, Arutua and Kaukura, to name but a few. Its land is up to 31 km wide and consists of a total of 240 motu (coral sand islets). It contains two main villages, Tiputa and Avatoru, located on Rangiroa's main motu and where the atoll's small airport is located.

As you can see, Rangiroa is a paradise for water activities! On land, the things to do are mainly concentrated on the main motu, notably with a visit to the Gauguin's Pearl farm. You can also visit Domaine Dominique Auroy, on the other side of Avatoru Pass, a unique vineyard! The villages can be visited by bicycle, and then you can take a boat trip to discover the other treasures this beautiful atoll has to offer.

Departures are usually from Ohutu Bay, at the main motu. You can then reach various idyllic spots where swimming, snorkeling and fare niente on magnificent white sand beaches await you! Head to the south-east of Rangiroa atoll to bask in the sun at Sables Roses before heading west to Otepipi where numerous natural pools offer great swimming opportunities. You can also see the church of St Anne, the only building visible in Otepipi.

Other water activities await you as you continue your journey to Reef Island, known for its lush islets bounded by small channels called "ho'a": a magical place to wander around with your feet in the translucent water! And to complete your tour of Rangiroa, head to the Blue Lagoon, to the west. This magnificent place and its turquoise waters are perfect for swimming and snorkeling in the company of harmless black-tip sharks.

Once back on the main motu, there are other things to do in Rangiroa: You can rent a kayak or paddle boat to sail around the Green Lagoon on its emerald green waters, right next to Avatoru Pass; decide to take your first dive in the Rangiroa Aquarium, a wonderful spot rich in biodiversity and protected from the currents of Tiputa Pass; go on a diving excursion in the lagoon or in the ocean to discover Rangiroa's underwater caverns and its incredible fauna; or do one of the most exciting activities: snorkeling along Rangiroa's passes with sharks, dolphins, rays and all sorts of fish from Polynesian waters passing before your eyes, without you having to make the slightest effort. During the July to November season, you may also be lucky enough to see whales.

If you're a fan of water sports and paradise-like scenery, Rangiroa is the place for you! There's no time to get bored between snorkeling, boat trips, sunbathing on the beach and diving. There are plenty of things to do in Rangiroa, so don't hesitate to visit this sublime atoll on your next trip to French Polynesia!

Rangiroa: All our activities

Boat Tours

Boat Tours

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Customer feedbacks on Rangiroa

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  • Terrible
Jenny H., New Zealand — 28/07/2024
The aquarium in the lagoon is amazing. It is teeming with so much diverse fish. It was a windy day so the drift snorkeling was not as great as hoped - not as long and not as much fish as the aquarium. Spotted some dolphins but not up close - they were elusive that day. The only thing was disappointed with was not having the debrief and coffee at the end of the day, which would have been a nice way to finish and warm up a bit again and talk about what we had seen.
Gaël L., France — 07/05/2024
A faire La traversée à été houleuse Mais il y a du vent Le lagon super beau On a très bien mangé Merci
Christelle C., France — 21/02/2024
Une journée inoubliable dans un cadre paradisiaque, baignade dans une eau d'un bleu incroyable, snorkeling et repas délicieux.
Neary O., France — 15/11/2023
Découverte du lagon bleu avec traversée à pieds de ses eaux et baignade sous des couleurs absolument superbes
ANTHONY D., French Polynesia — 06/11/2023
Balade en bateau, nage en dérive, requins, raies, et des eaux d un bleu, non de 100 bleus différents, et un repas excellent …. Font de cette journée un moment inoubliable

Around Rangiroa

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